
Robot Talk Episode 102 – Isabella Fiorello


Claire chatted to Isabella Fiorello from the University of Freiburg about plant-inspired robots made from living materials.

Isabella Fiorello is a Junior Group Leader and Principal Investigator of the Bioinspired Plant-hybrid Materials group at the University of Freiburg in Germany. She has a Master’s Degree in Industrial Biotechnology from the University of Turin in Italy and a PhD in Biorobotics from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Italy. Her research focusses on the development of biologically-inspired microfabricated living materials able to precisely interact with complex unstructured surfaces for applications in precision agriculture, smart fabrics, space, and soft robotics.

Robot Talk
is a weekly podcast that explores the exciting world of robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous machines.

Robot Talk
is a weekly podcast that explores the exciting world of robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous machines.

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