NuCS: A Constraint Solver for Research, Teaching, and Production Applications | by Yan Georget | Nov, 2024

Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash

Blazing-fast constraint solving in pure Python

NuCS is a Python library for solving Constraint Satisfaction and Optimisation Problems (CSP and COP) that I am developing as a side project. Because it is 100% written in Python, NuCS is easy to install and allows to model complex problems in a few lines of code. The NuCS solver is also very fast because it is powered by Numpy and Numba.

Many problems can be formulated as CSPs. This is why a constraint library such as NuCS can benefit a lot of developers or data scientists.

Let’s consider the famous N-queens problem which consists in placing N queens on a N x N chessboard such that the queens don’t threaten each other.

A solution to the 8-queens problem. Source: Yue Guo

The 14200 solutions to the 12-queens problems are found in less than 2s on a MacBook Pro M2 running:

  • Python 3.11,
  • Numpy 2.0.1,
  • Numba 0.60.0 and
  • NuCS 3.0.0.
(venv) ➜  nucs git:(main) time NUMBA_CACHE_DIR=.numba/cache python -m nucs.examples.queens -n 12 --log_level=ERROR --processors=6
'ALG_BC_NB': 262006,
NUMBA_CACHE_DIR=.numba/cache python -m nucs.examples.queens -n 12 6.65s user 0.53s system 422% cpu 1.699 total

Constraint programming is a paradigm for solving combinatorial problems. In constraint programming, users declaratively state the constraints on the feasible solutions for a set of decision variables. Constraints specify the properties of a solution to be found. The solver combines constraint propagation and backtracking to find the solutions.

As an example, here is a model for the Magic Sequence Problem (find a sequence x_0, … x_n-1 such that, for each i in [0, n-1], x_i is the number of occurrences of i in the sequence) using NuCS:

class MagicSequenceProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self, n: int):
super().__init__([(0, n)] * n)
for i in range(n):
self.add_propagator((list(range(n)) + [i], ALG_COUNT_EQ, [i]))
# redundant constraints
self.add_propagator((list(range(n)), ALG_AFFINE_EQ, [1] * n + [n]))
self.add_propagator((list(range(n)), ALG_AFFINE_EQ, list(range(n)) + [n]))

In NuCS, a constraint is named a propagator.

The propagator (here ALG_COUNT_EQ) simply states that x_i is the number of occurrences of i in the sequence. The following two ALG_AFFINE_EQ propagators are redundant, meaning that they are not necessary for NuCS to find the solution but they speed up the resolution process.

See the documentation for a complete list of propagator supported by NuCS. Note that most propagators in NuCS are global (aka n-ary) and implement state-of-art propagation algorithms.

Python is the language of choice for data scientists: it has a simple syntax, a growing community and a great number of data science and machine learning libraries.

But on the other hand, Python is known to be a slow language : maybe 50 to 100 times slower than C depending on the benchmarks.

The choice of Python for developing a high performance constraint programming library was not so obvious but we will see that the combined use of Numpy (high performance computing package) and Numba (Just-In-Time compilation for Python) helps a lot.

Many attempts have been made to write constraint solvers in Python, but these are either slow or are only wrappers and depend on external solvers written in Java or C/C++.

NumPy brings the computational power of languages like C and Fortran to Python.

In NuCS, everything is a Numpy array.

This allows to leverage Numpy’s indexing and broadcasting capabilities and to write compact propagators such as Max_i x_i <= y

def compute_domains_max_leq(domains: NDArray, parameters: NDArray) -> int:
x = domains[:-1]
y = domains[-1]
if np.max(x[:, MAX]) <= y[MIN]:
y[MIN] = max(y[MIN], np.max(x[:, MIN]))
if y[MIN] > y[MAX]:
for i in range(len(x)):
x[i, MAX] = min(x[i, MAX], y[MAX])
if x[i, MAX] < x[i, MIN]:

Numba is an open source Just-In-Time compiler that translates a subset of Python and NumPy code into fast machine code.

In the following example, we find the 14200 solutions to the 12-queens problems (note that we use a single processor here).

NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT=1 python -m nucs.examples.queens -n 12 --log_level=ERROR   179.89s user 0.31s system 99% cpu 3:00.57 total

We achieve a x60 speed-up by enabling Just-In-Time compilation:

NUMBA_CACHE_DIR=.numba/cache python -m nucs.examples.queens -n 12    3.03s user 0.06s system 99% cpu 3.095 total

In order to let Numba JIT-compile your code, you should :

  • avoid OOP,
  • use supported types or Numpy arrays,
  • use a subset of the Python language,
  • use a subset of Numpy’s functions.

In NuCS, these guidelines have been successfully implemented for :

Thanks to Numpy and Numba, NuCS achieves performance similar to that of solvers written in Java or C/C++.

Note that, since the Python code is compiled and the result cached, performance will always be significantly better when you run your program a second time.

NuCS comes with many models for classic constraint programming problems such as:

  • some crypto-arithmetic puzzles: Alpha, Donald,
  • the Balanced Incomplete Block Design problem,
  • the Golomb ruler problem,
  • the knapsack problem,
  • the magic sequence problem,
  • the magic square problem,
  • the quasigroup problem,
  • the n-queens problem,
  • the Schur lemma problem,
  • the sports tournament scheduling problem,
  • the Sudoku problem.

Some of these examples require some advanced techniques:

  • redundant constraints,
  • custom heuristics,
  • custom consistency algorithms

Most of these models are also available in CSPLib, the bible for anything CSP related.

When solutions are searched for, NuCS also aggregates some statistics:

'ALG_BC_NB': 262006,

Here we can see that:

  • bound consistency was computed 262006 times,
  • 2268895 propagators were applied but without effect 990435 times while inconsistencies were detected 116806 times,
  • they were 131000 choices and backtracks, with a maximum choice depth of 10,
  • finally, 14200 solutions were found.

Playing with the model and understanding how it affects the statistics has proven to be a very useful exercise in getting the most out of NuCS.

NuCS also comes with some basic logging capabilities.

NUMBA_CACHE_DIR=.numba/cache python -m nucs.examples.golomb -n 10 --symmetry_breaking --log_level=INFO
2024-11-12 17:27:45,110 - INFO - nucs.solvers.solver - Problem has 82 propagators
2024-11-12 17:27:45,110 - INFO - nucs.solvers.solver - Problem has 45 variables
2024-11-12 17:27:45,110 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - BacktrackSolver uses variable heuristic 0
2024-11-12 17:27:45,110 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - BacktrackSolver uses domain heuristic 0
2024-11-12 17:27:45,110 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - BacktrackSolver uses consistency algorithm 2
2024-11-12 17:27:45,110 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Choice points stack has a maximal height of 128
2024-11-12 17:27:45,172 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Minimizing variable 8
2024-11-12 17:27:45,644 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Found a (new) solution: 80
2024-11-12 17:27:45,677 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Found a (new) solution: 75
2024-11-12 17:27:45,677 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Found a (new) solution: 73
2024-11-12 17:27:45,678 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Found a (new) solution: 72
2024-11-12 17:27:45,679 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Found a (new) solution: 70
2024-11-12 17:27:45,682 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Found a (new) solution: 68
2024-11-12 17:27:45,687 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Found a (new) solution: 66
2024-11-12 17:27:45,693 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Found a (new) solution: 62
2024-11-12 17:27:45,717 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Found a (new) solution: 60
2024-11-12 17:27:45,977 - INFO - nucs.solvers.backtrack_solver - Found a (new) solution: 55
'ALG_BC_NB': 22652,
[ 1 6 10 23 26 34 41 53 55]

Finally, NuCS is a very open platform were almost anything can be customized:

  • propagators,
  • consistency algorithms,
  • heuristics,
  • solvers.

In the following Golomb ruler example, a custom consistency algorithm is registered before being used:

    consistency_alg_golomb = register_consistency_algorithm(golomb_consistency_algorithm)
solver = BacktrackSolver(problem, consistency_alg_idx=consistency_alg_golomb)

In conclusion, NuCS is a constraint solver library with a lot of features. Although it is written entirely in Python, it is very fast and can be used for a wide range of applications: research, teaching and production.

Don’t hesitate to contact me on Github if you’d like to take part in NuCS development!

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#NuCS #Constraint #Solver #Research #Teaching #Production #Applications #Yan #Georget #Nov