
My #30DayMapChallenge 2024. 30 Days, 30 Maps: My November Adventure… | by Glenn Kong | Dec, 2024


30 Days, 30 Maps: My November Adventure in Digital Cartography

Image Generated by DALL·E

The #30DayMapChallenge is a social media event where map enthusiasts create maps based on daily topics throughout the 30 days in November. You can find more details here. Posting every single day is not really mandatory — many participants just choose to focus on their favourite themes.

Having witnessed many years of #30DayMapChallenge, this year is my first time participating. I initially thought it would be incredibly difficult, but I quickly found that the hardest part was simply getting started. Now, after surviving the entire November, I’m proud to say I have successfully completed the challenge and created 30 maps in 30 consecutive days!

In this article, I’ll share the maps I created for the challenge, along with some of my thoughts during the process and the tools I used.

  1. Australian Digital boundary files
  2. Copernicus Browser
  3. Queensland Historical Atlas
  4. The Humanitarian Data Exchange
  5. World Integrated Trade Solution
  6. Open Data Portal, Ministry of Digital Affairs, Taiwan
  7. Digital Atlas of Australia

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