Kukouri Mobile Entertainment is “moving away from game development”.
As reported by PocketGamer.biz, Kukouri has sold its IPs Pixel Worlds and Tiny Troopers to Social First, with CEO Petri Piipari acknowledging that Pixel Worlds has not been a commercially viable product for some time”.
“With the only active Tiny Troopers game being licensed to an outside publisher and developer, the difficult decision was made to close down all game operations,” Piipari said.
A notice on the official website now simply reads: “Notice: This website has been shut down. Thanks for all the years”.
Social First, however, said the decision to take on Kukouri’s portfolio was “an easy one”.
“We are continuing to develop Nexus Station with our early community, many of whom are Pixel Worlds veterans, and acquiring the IPs from Kukouri does not change our development in any way,” said Social First CEO and founder, Kim Soares.
“We wanted to secure the IPs from Kukouri as they are legacies of many of our team members.
“Pixel Worlds had one of the best online communities I have ever seen in my career of 25 years in game development. We really hope to see that community come together again in Nexus Station.”
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