
Best Indeed Scraper APIs to Scrape Indeed in 2025


Although API provides customisable options for data collection, it may not allow access to all of the data available on the website. Indeed web scraper services, as alternatives to Indeed APIs, provide a more simple approach to extract job data as well as additional solutions such as data parsing, JavaScript rendering, and proxy management.

See the top scraping services for scraping Indeed, including their features and pricing structures:

Bright Data

Best Indeed Scraper APIs to Scrape Indeed in 2025

Bright Data is a premium web data collecting company that provides specialized Indeed scraper API solutions for certain data points. They provide 7 API templates that feature pre-configured scripts; you can adjust the code based on your requirements.

Bright Data’s Indeed scraper are for scraping job listings, and for company information via URL of the job page and keyword. Bright Data’s scraping infrastructure includes a site unblocker, which has the highest success rates according to our benchmark. It is a proxy-based solution with a 98% success rate and 3.2 second response time that allows for more granular targeting of cities and ASNs.

Bright Data also provides Indeed datasets with two alternatives. Pre-built Indeed datasets or bespoke ones created with various filters.

  • Starting price (mo):
    – Web Unblocker: $1.5 for 1,000 results (pay-as-you-go)
    – Web scraper API: $1.5 per 1,000 results (pay-as-you-go)
    – Datasets: $500 for 200K records ($2.5 per 1,000)


Smartproxy provides a general purpose API with country-level targeting. Their scraping APIs contain functionality such as proxy rotation, anti-detection methods, and JavaScript rendering. You can customize the scraper by specifying options such as HTTP method and Payload and get the same data in table and JSON format.

The provider also offers Site Unblocker that functions as a proxy server, offering more granular location filtering, and customization options to modify cookies and request headers, and JavaScript rendering.

  • Starting price (mo): $29 ($0.29 per 1,000 requests)


Oxylabs offers a general-purpose web scraping API that allows for URL scraping. However, the scraper does not allow users to scrape job details at the city or coordinate-level target. The scraper API includes capabilities like javaScript rendering, configurable parsers, and anti-bot mechanisms.

Oxylabs’ web scraper API parses collected data when a specific parser is available for the target site, or you can utilize OxyCopilot, an AI-powered parser that creates code for scraping and parsing instructions.

  • Starting price (mo): Web scraper API: $49 for24,500 results ($2 per 1,000 results)


Nimble provides general-purpose solutions, including integrated rotating residential proxies and unlocker proxy solutions. The Web API can handle batch requests containing up to 1,000 URLs. Nimble’s scraper is suitable for scraping Indeed, as it provides, country, state, and city-level targeting. It enables JavaScript rendering, customisable browser headers, and CAPTCHA-solving.

  • Price: $150 ($7.5/GB residential, $2.6/CPM API)


Apify is a developer-focused system that offers APIs, scheduling, storage, integration, and proxy management. Job data collection tool allows you to search by city, zip code, or locale. You can scrape job search data and the company information associated with each. The tool allows scraping for specific keywords or URLs. Misceres maintains this automated program (also known as Actor) for scraping Indeed. This Actor is compensated per outcome. You are not charged for using the Apify platform.

  • Starting price (mo): $5.00 for 1,000 results

What is an Indeed scraper?

Indeed scraping is the process of automatically obtaining data from the Indeed job board, including job openings, salaries, and job market trends. Most Indeed scraping tools allow users to apply filters to narrow their search by location, salary range, and job category.

What Indeed data can you scrape?

Here are some examples of job listing data that can be scraped from Indeed:

  • Job information: Job description, job title, job type (full-time, part-time, internship)
  • Salary: If provided actual salary range or estimated (hourly, annual)
  • Company information: Company rating and reviews, company size, industry, and contact information
  • Job posting data: Date posted, job posting URL, and job ID

Indeed’s website contains publicly available information, and scraping this data is legal. However, it is important to conduct respectfully and in accordance with ethical scraping standards. For ethical web scraping, you should review Indeed’s terms of service and robots.txt file to understand which data you may scrape without infringing any policies.

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