View a PDF of the paper titled Literature Meets Data: A Synergistic Approach to Hypothesis Generation, by Haokun Liu and 4 other authors
Abstract:AI holds promise for transforming scientific processes, including hypothesis generation. Prior work on hypothesis generation can be broadly categorized into theory-driven and data-driven approaches. While both have proven effective in generating novel and plausible hypotheses, it remains an open question whether they can complement each other. To address this, we develop the first method that combines literature-based insights with data to perform LLM-powered hypothesis generation. We apply our method on five different datasets and demonstrate that integrating literature and data outperforms other baselines (8.97\% over few-shot, 15.75\% over literature-based alone, and 3.37\% over data-driven alone). Additionally, we conduct the first human evaluation to assess the utility of LLM-generated hypotheses in assisting human decision-making on two challenging tasks: deception detection and AI generated content detection. Our results show that human accuracy improves significantly by 7.44\% and 14.19\% on these tasks, respectively. These findings suggest that integrating literature-based and data-driven approaches provides a comprehensive and nuanced framework for hypothesis generation and could open new avenues for scientific inquiry.
Submission history
From: Haokun Liu [view email]
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 18:00:00 UTC (1,500 KB)
Tue, 19 Nov 2024 23:32:13 UTC (1,452 KB)
Wed, 8 Jan 2025 19:00:00 UTC (1,396 KB)
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#Synergistic #Approach #Hypothesis #Generation