So you want to get a job in data science or machine learning, but all the jobs — even the entry-level ones — require experience. How are you supposed to get the experience you need if no one will hire you without experience?
What we need to do here is create our own opportunities.
Since you can’t demonstrate your skills through previous job titles, you’ll need a strong portfolio. But, not all projects are created equal. Let’s explore your options, from least to most effective:
Follow-Along Projects: The Starting Point
While Udemy and Coursera tutorial projects are great for learning the basics, they won’t help much with job hunting. These guided projects don’t require you to source datasets, overcome real challenges, or do independent problem-solving. They simply don’t demonstrate the skills employers need, even for entry-level positions (unfortunately).
Course Work: A Step Up
Schoolwork and certificate program capstones are a bit better than tutorials. They usually involve some troubleshooting…
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